Another cleansing oil review but this time from Tata Harper

For someone who proclaim to not really like cleansing oil, you must be wondering why am I posting two cleansing oils post consecutively? I though I might as well get it out of the way so you all know that these are about the only cleansing oils that I’ve tried so far.

Other than Fancl Mild Cleansing Oil and DHC Deep Cleansing Oil that I’ve previously reviewed here, I’ve also tried cleansing oils from:

  • The Body Shop, affordable and great scent! Great for cleansing makeup but still DHC and Fancl excel at removing makeup IMO. But then again, it’s easy to find here in Indonesia.
  • Astalift, great at removing makeup, light texture but considering the price, not really memorable.
  • Tatcha, one of the best cleansing oils that I’ve tried! I can’t believe I haven’t reviewed this. Now that it’s gone I don’t know whether I’ll be able to write a review. It’s light, expensive (so I wont use it to remove makeup), yet it’s great for removing makeup.

Anyway, this post is actually not about cleansing oil but more about my current favourite cleansing oil: Tata Harper Nourishing Oil Cleanser . When it comes to cleansing products, Ms. Harper surely knows how to create a lush cleansers! Each and every one cleansers that I’ve tried from this brand is really something else.

First of all, let me tell you that it’s not easy to find a cleansing oil that can emulsify from natural brand. But this cleansing oil emulsify easily. Tata Harper’s Nourishing Oil Cleanser feels really gentle on the skin and it’s filled with ingredients that are good for your skin such as beta carotene, vitamins A, C and E as well as lycopene and omega 3.

Continue reading “Another cleansing oil review but this time from Tata Harper”

Another cleansing oil review but this time from Tata Harper

The Battle of the Cleansing Oils: DHC Vs. Fancl

I’m not a big fan of cleansing oil, so there are very little cleansing oil in the market that I’ve tried. The reason is because I find cleansing balm and cream much more comforting to use on my dry skin. But I must admit cleansing oil is the easiest to use to remove makeup, especially if you’re using waterproof eye makeup such as eyeliner and mascara that are fibre-based and made in Japan. God, they’re really hard to remove!

Anyway, eventhough cleansing oil melt away all makeup in one swipe, never forget to emulsify it first. If you haven’t already know how to use cleansing oil properly, read this article on all about cleansers (unfortunately written in Bahasa Indonesia).

From my recent trip to Japan, I picked up two renowned cleansing oil from brands that I’ve trusted. They are the DHC Deep Cleansing Oil and Fancl Mild Cleansing Oil.

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Here’s what you need to know first about both cleansing oil: their ingredient list is pretty short (although I can’t really tell what’s inside Fancl since it’s in Japanese) and they’re free from mineral oil. I have no problem with cleansers that use mineral oil, but I know most people out there mind.

We’ll start with the famous DHC Deep Cleansing Oil.

Continue reading “The Battle of the Cleansing Oils: DHC Vs. Fancl”

The Battle of the Cleansing Oils: DHC Vs. Fancl

Semua yang perlu diketahui tentang cleanser

Saya adalah penganut double cleansing. Kalau memakai makeup atau produk apapun yang waterproof, sudah tidak bisa tawar-tawar lagi, pasti akan double cleansing. Mungkin ini adalah salah satu rutinitas yang diajarkan oleh merek-merek Jepang yang saya anut sampai sekarang ini dan merasa benar gunanya.

Nah, ternyata double cleansing ini banyak sekali yah yang nanya. Perlu nggak? Kapan perlunya? Produk apa yang bisa dipakai buat double cleansing. Selain itu cleanser sendiri juga banyak menjadi pertanyaan, tipe apa yang cocok buat kulit seperti apa.

Karena banyak pertanyaan dan padahal saya yakin benar di luaran sana pasti sudah banyak informasi, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membuat beberapa artikel yang terkait dengan skin care dasar dan merangkumnya dalam satu artikel. Agar pencarian informasi lebih mudah dan juga saya coba menuliskannya dalam bahasa Indonesia karena informasi serupa lebih banyak dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kalau sebelumnya saya sudah membahas tuntas mengenai acid toning, kali ini saya ingin membahas mengenai cleanser dan double cleansing.

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Kenapa kita butuh membersihkan wajah?

Jawabannya as simple as kenapa kita butuh mandi? Yah karena ingin membersihkan diri dari semua kotoran dan juga biar segar. Walaupun di rumah seharian pasti tetap akan mandi kan?

Seberapa sering dan kapan membersihkan wajah?

Disarankan dua kali sehari, pagi dan malam. Sangat tidak disarankan sering-sering mencuci wajah karena malah akan membuat wajah kering.

Apa itu double cleansing?

Memakai dua produk berbeda untuk membersihkan wajah. Yang pertama adalah untuk mengangkat kotoran di wajah seperti makeup dan sunscreen dan yang kedua adalah untuk membersihkan kulit dan pori-pori kita secara menyeluruh. Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa dibaca di artikel ini.

Kapan perlu double cleansing?

Biasanya malam hari. Karena pada saat siang hari kita menggunakan makeup atau sunscreen yang waterproof.

Pada pagi hari tidak perlu double cleansing. Kecuali memang pada malam hari menggunakan banyak produk yang berminyak dan merasa butuh membersihkan wajah dua kali.

Continue reading “Semua yang perlu diketahui tentang cleanser”

Semua yang perlu diketahui tentang cleanser